We believe many GOOD churches exist which should be RECOGNIZED and PRESERVED. Our passion is to highlight best church practices in all its forms. Churches should have a resource and finite space to self-evaluate and adjust to ensure healthy LONGEVITY.
Too often, churches are recognized in media only AFTER there is a scandal. Sexual and Financial misconduct are two of the leading causes. These churches are then often "blacklisted" and found on various "watchdog" sites on the internet. Congregations split, people get hurt and leave that church, or church all-together, which has a very damaging effect on the church COMMUNITY and FAITH as a whole.
Strong churches will be UPLIFTED. If churches are struggling, they will have the tools to self-correct before they reach the proverbial boiling point. This space will provide a cohort of compassionate hearts and advisement on paths forward toward RESTORATION and GROWTH.
While we are just now in the beginning stages of launching this service, our goal is to have a fully functional system and team to assist with these efforts soon.
Western nations are at a crossroads. Institutional lynchpins (Religion, Government, Education, Pharma, etc) that have ran and managed society for hundreds of years are colliding head on with modernity. Legal architecture and structure that guides and governs these institutions no longer function properly for the benefits of the people in the 21st century.
We are here to explore these institutional structures, the first being western Christianity, and build community driven technology solutions to solve the current consequences of these institutions colliding with a rapidly evolving modern world.
Entertainment meets education. Solutions meet activation.
Coming Easter 2025
Preserve.Church is part of the Preserve.Inc suite of services.
Preserve.Church karl.ohlemann@preserve.inc
Copyright © 2023 Preserve.Church; part of preserve.inc - All Rights Reserved.